A Day in the Park
Original Plein air Oil Painting by Deborah Chapin entitled "A Day at the Park" 12x20 plein air oil. I painted this original oil painting on site (en plein air). I had a great day painting at Reid Park. I painted on Griffith point. The Plein air Painters of Maine were out there but I only saw a few and they were in a different location. Big place so really unless you’re all painting at the same location you don’t see each other.
It was a great location and I can envision having other pieces that would be good. I did a sketch and I’m going to tweak some of the foreground stones. But great color to work with. Such fun to finally be getting in the groove.
To Purchase you can contact me directly through the inquire button for more info or an invoice or layaway plan. Be sure to see the book on my Amazon Book Earth Sea and Sky https://amazon.com/author/deborahchapin with background stories and histories of pieces and other collectors.Try it!