Blue Mountain
Life is not separable from the creative process of art making for the artist.
To have worked on a project intensively for six months and have it not survive the firing, or to destroy a flawless piece by knocking it over during a photo shoot, is just part of the territory when working in this medium.
The repetitive nature of loss and destruction when working with a fragile medium has consolidated my tactic of collaging porcelain debris into the composition of these sculptures. This then is a fundamental reordering of meaning as well as materiality.
Who has not experienced loss?
Loss of loved ones, loss of health, or other personal catastrophe, even the loss of a cherished dream or feelings of hopefulness can be devastating. This is the shadow side of life we are all susceptible to.
Blue Mountain expresses the idea of the struggle of the human spirit to create an expanded field that encompasses feelings of loss but resists the contraction of loss, like a mountain, deep and wide,Try it!