Ruth Lantz, an Illinois-based artist, received her Masters in Visual Studies from the Pacific Northwest College of Art (PNCA) in Portland, OR in 2010. Her work has been featured nationally at numerous galleries and institutions, including Rockford Art Museum (Rockford IL), Russo Lee Gallery (Portland OR), Disjecta (Portland OR), Washington State University Vancouver (Vancouver WA), Governors State University (University Park IL), St. Louis Artist’s Guild (St. Louis MO) and Indianapolis Art Center (Indianapolis, IN). Her work was showcased at the Portland International Airport and at the Fringe Festival at Southern Oregon University. She was a presenter in the “Making a Better Painting” Symposium at the Hoffman Gallery at Lewis and Clark College in Portland, OR and she is the founder of Crit Connection, a project providing networking opportunities to artists through monthly one-on-one connections to foster conversation and critique.