Of Its Own Accord

Of Its Own Accord

Johnny Taylor
46" H x 32" W
Oil Paint
Johnny Taylor currently creates from his studio in the south Bronx, New York, where the action, intensity and energy of this historic epicenter propels his work, a return to his abstract roots. Embracing change as the only constant, Taylor has carved out a nomadic creative path. The unpredictable and distinct energies of his different working environments have been absorbed into his process – from the grit of Vancouver’s downtown eastside, the neon glow of the streets of Kanda, to the spell of nature in a cabin studio above the Fraser Canyon. In 2015 Taylor was awarded a residency at the acclaimed 3331 Chiyoda Arts Centre, in Tokyo Japan. In addition to creating a body of work shown alongside fellow international artists, he covered over six hundred kilometers of the metro area on foot in his two month stay, the beginning of an immersion in Japanese aesthetics that now inform his stylistic sensibilities. Taylor has since returned to Japan almost yearly for ongoing inspiration.
$ 4,800
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