Jack Nelson

Jack Nelson

Jack Nelson
"Having grown up as an expat child in Oman and Mozambique, I have a fond interest in other cultures and people lives. Since graduating university in 2023 I have been fortunate enough to find work in travel leading me mostly to places in the Middle East. A place I find a deep connection to. The deep seeded culture of respect and beauty lies there. I have worked on a small Yemeni island for extended periods of time leading me to use my camera to explain what I see and feel. I have travelled a lot. I felt a great sense of peace in Scotland where I traveled with friends and family during winter. These photos are reflections on that peace found in Winter. A time not understood by many in the world as those in the West perceive it. Where rain and ice can be magical. It is a time of stillness where we can bury ourselves in feelings and emotions keeping the outside world at bay. A beauty so familiar to many yet alien to others from warmer climates."
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