Palm 2 shop 2023

Frank Creber
The themes of the painting touch upon things that are sacred to me, the idea of Community and having community spaces in the built environment, Trees are also essential to well being and creating beauty in the city environment, and the painting is held together by the visual structure of the trees and the sense of people’s lives being interconnected. This painting is a reworking of a larger painting from last year, I have made a smaller composition and changed the proportions of the canvas and added new figures. I was keen on the drama and included some of the figures created in the earlier work and have added a wider view to incorporate a lighter left hand side to the painting. The framework of the painting is around the idea of day and night, and about how people interact with each other within the context of a local community. The background views are of Lower Clapton in east London, based on observational drawings made over a number of years.
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