Woman on her Knees with a Child

Woman on her Knees with a Child

Francesco Bartolozzi
Romijn Art
Splendid etching dated 1765 published by John Boydel in 1818 in London. It depicts "Woman on her knees with a child" after Giovanni Francesco Barbieri il Guercino (1591 - 1666) in exquisitely Baroque style. Copy taken from "The original pictures and drawings of various artists in The Collection of His Majesty". Vol. I tav. 33. Engraved by Francesco Bartolozzi. The son of a Florentine goldsmith he learned the first rudiments of the art of copper engraving right in his father's workshop. Attentively studying the works of his predecessors from the first essays Bartolozzi demonstrates an inclination to devote himself mainly to the work of translating the inventions of others developing that professionalism and technical ability that will allow him to translate the ideas and styles of other artists. He enrolled in the Accademia del Disegno in Florence at a very young age where he attended the courses of the painter Ignazio Hugford with whom he collaborated in the realization of the collection "I Cento Pensieri di Anton Domenico Gabbiani pittore fiorentino". On this occasion he met the German engraver Joseph Wagner to whose workshop the most important in Venice he moved in August 1748 Fr
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