Lady and the Sand. Great Sand Dunes National Park, Colorado.

Lady and the Sand. Great Sand Dunes National Park, Colorado.

Matt Hagen
Pictured is elegantly combed sand as it is wisped by Nature’s Breath and attempts to recover from the assault of tracks laid upon its back from a Wandering Woman. She has been stopped. Halted by the enamoring spectacle of light being reflected into her inquiring eyes. What does she look for? What does she find? The Anthropology collection celebrates the diversity of humanity and different walks of life. All united in the quintessential simplicity of being part of one human race. Publishing the behaviors that might be different from place to place, highlighting the relationship between culture and environment. Adjunctly, some characters we meet in our journeys of life are so compelling they deserve to have their stories told. As a good friend of mine says, “One world, One family.”
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