Community Festival (Diptych)

Frank Creber
Moving into Bromley by Bow in East London in 1986, and joining a newly formed community project, the early days of The Bromley by Bow Centre, the artist was involved in running a summer festival in the first year and building on the success and the sense ‘that when something is born of the community it needs to be repeated’ - they did it the following year and the next 35 years after that. The painting is in response to this experience of being part of a team running summer festivals with the community and the artist has created an image that is motivated by the idea that doing a creative project with people creates a community. The composition is built around the structure of a pyramid, the group of figures build up towards a pinnacle at the top, there is also a sunlight and shaded side to the pyramid. The price of one panel is £2,000, the price for the diptych as a whole is negotiable.
£ 2000.00
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