Rock Formations YAA-283

Rock Formations YAA-283

Yondee Shane Hansen
Inspired from the rock formations that are so important to the Aboriginal people, they were used for camping and as a natural canvas for artworks painted on the face of the rocks. Noongar artist Yondee Shane Hansen was born in the south-west of Western Australia in 1964, at Dumbleyung, 270 km south of Perth. Yondee was taught about hunting and shown sand drawings by his father. He would travel and visit his aunties on the Swan River and would collect paper bark to help them in their art work. It was here that he started to learn about art from his older relatives who are known for their painting on paper- bark. Yondee Shane Hanson remembers: “Later on, when we moved to the outskirts of Perth, to Swan View, we would walk down to the river, and light fires along the side of the river, and collect paper bark. Art was all around me – in the paddocks when the flowers came, in the fields and the crops, along the rivers and around the rocks.”
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