Joshua Simon

Joshua Simon

Joshua Simon
Josh Simon is a photographic Artist and chef from Johannesburg, South Africa. He is a self-taught photographer. He is interested in documenting the complex, changing landscape of the Rainbow Nation in its new normal day-to-day life. "Louis Botha Avenue is a historic road in Johannesburg originally named after the first Prime Minister of South Africa, the general Louis Botha. The road originally connected the mining city of Johannesburg to the central city, Pretoria. The road allowed the two cities to trade, grow and become the financial and economic centers of Africa. In the 60s, 70s, and 80s parts of Louis Botha Avenue were a high street connecting the city center to the affluent suburbs surrounding, the high street was popular for shopping, restaurants and designer shops and apartments as South Africa had changed government and policy. Since 1994, a new and free Rainbow Nation South Africa has emerged, and of course, Louis Botha Avenue has also Changed."
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