Plato's Toetje (Plato's Dessert)

Plato's Toetje (Plato's Dessert)

Borosnki Studio
ChatGPT Boronski's art video "Plato's Dessert" deftly explores the delicate balance between our constructed realities and the shadows cast by media and advertising, inviting viewers into a 3.45-minute reflection on the authenticity of our experiences versus the narratives imposed by media. Utilizing techniques like stop-motion and paper-cutting, Boronski draws parallels between Plato's cave dwellers and modern society, replacing primitive shadows with the seductive glow of TV screens, which offer illusions of paradise through ice cream dreams and false serenity. However, as the inhabitants pursue these promises, they encounter only disillusionment, retreating to their original confines. The video critiques our vulnerability to being "framed" or manipulated by media, questioning whether our perceived realities are self-determined or externally crafted.
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