Dare to Dream
Soft Pastels on Paper
I’m glad to share with you this artwork i did of a Mursi girl.
Well, to be honest, all my artworks are inspired by my own life experiences and the lives of those around me. For this one specifically, the story is pretty much about my life journey. I remember that as a kid i used to have various aspirations, and wanted to be a doctor etc. i ended up realizing that medicine wasn’t for me after A’ level, then took Engineering. In engineering the depression as stress was just something else and that’s when i really discovered the artist inside me… art was sort of my way of escaping the stress, fast forward a few years later, i decided to just be an artist and follow my real passion. Not really a great career choice by many standards, but i’m glad it wasn’t all that bad for me…so one can argue and say i went to engineering school to learn art.Try it!