Floating Hearts
"Floating Hearts" is a 12"x16" acrylic painting on canvas that showcases a whimsical scene where silhouetted figures dance among a sky ablaze with the colors of dawn or dusk. Two figures captivate the viewer - one standing, gazing longingly at the other who sits on a swing, lifted into the air by a cascade of heart-shaped balloons. In shades of red, these balloons add a whimsical touch to the scene, floating freely or tethered to the swing, creating a sense of weightlessness and magic. Speckles of light dot the background, adding to the ethereal and otherworldly atmosphere of the composition. The figures, adorned with blue German glass glitter, seem to shimmer with a cosmic glow, inviting you to lose yourself in this mystical and enigmatic landscape. The overall effect is a surreal and enchanting depiction that captures a moment of romance and whimsy.Try it!