In the style of Edgar Brandt
74.8" H x 20.91" W
Pieter Hendrik Koekkoek (1843-1890)
26.38" H x 34.25" W
Jan Anton Garemijn (1712-Belgium-1799)
74.8" H x 55.12" W
Frederik Marinus Kruseman (1816-1882)
34.25" H x 46.26" W
Engelbert L'Hoëst 1919-2009)
9.84" H x 7.48" W
Wessel Huisman
39.37" H x 59.06" W
Gerard Delfgauw (1882-1947)
13.78" H x 19.69" W
Rep Ringel
39.37" H x 78.74" W